Healthy Holidays with A Dose of Painting

“Safe Internet for Children”
4 March 2018
Man on the Moon
21 June 2018

Topic: Healthy Holidays
The forthcoming holiday season is a time of crazy adventures.
But not for all of us.

Let’s see what kind of holidays children who are staying at a hospital dream about. Together with the city of Cracow we are starting the next edition of “A Dose of Painting” charity action. This time we have decided to focus on the topic of “Healthy Holidays”. The event will start with the workshops taking place at the University Children’s Hospital of Cracow on 30 May. Additionaly on 6 June ​our volunteers will conduct analogical workshops at the rehabilitation ward. This would be the first of all three parts of the action, where children make plasticine objects and mock-ups on a given subject.
Next up, a group of volunteers will join us to paint a picture under the watchful eye of dr Marcin Kowalik from the Cracow’s Fine Arts Academy. For this edition we have chosen a hall over the “Cargo “ restaurant in 10 Dolnych Młynów Street. The process of painting will last from 7 to 14 June. Additionally, works by Natalia Nowicka and Marcin Kowalik will be displayed. Satirist Krzysztof Piasecki and his wife, actress Anna Tomaszewska, have already announced their attendance and will to take part in the painting process. Also, children from the Saint Ludwika’s Children’s Home in Cracow will participate. Anyone can join us by enrolling for the event at the bottom of this page.
The last part of the action is an official presentation of the painting during the opening exhibition at the University Children’s Hospital on 19 June at 14:00.

Apart from the main event, we are also going to organize additional workshops at a hospital in Radziszów (1 June) and participate in the “Healthy Family” picnic in Mucharz (close to Wadowice) on 3 June, form 14:00 to 19:00.

Sign up for painting!

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